24 Feb 2013

Storyslingers is getting Social

Amidst all the group activities and new blogging faces, we've forgotten to mention our social networking venues--places you can find us on the web to connect or comment, or just keep up with what we're up to (we're a busy lot, us Storyslingers).

Storyslingers on Facebook - Our FB group has been going for a while now, and we regularly post links and info about up-coming events and news, including links to our published works. Feel free to join the group.

Storyslingers on Twitter - This is a relatively new account, so there isn't quite as much stuff up there yet, but we will be using it regularly to link to cool writing things around Dorset and news about the group. Anyone can (and should) follow!

And of course our blog, which you are reading right now (just in case you didn't, y'know, know).

We're always happy to talk to people about writing or about our group, all you have to do is poke us. And if you'd like to connect on any of these services, go right ahead!

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